Kia ora

Making Connections

This week we have been focusing on writing thoughtful comments by trying to make a connection with what the blogger has shared. When we read their blog post we notice if there is anything it reminds us of.  We used some sentence starters on our site to help us and crafted our comment on a slide first to share with a buddy and check it makes sense.

Then we can copy and paste and submit in the blog comments.

Here are some examples of our comments. Click the screen shot to view the blog post. Can you see where we have tried to make a connection with the blogger?

Indiana’s Comment
Esme’s Comment

We have been inspired!

This week we focused on using positive words to compliment bloggers on something specific they have shared.

It is important to read the blog post first and choose something specific to compliment in our comment.  We really enjoy exploring what other bloggers are learning , creating and sharing.

Next we chose something specific in the blog post to comment about. We used the word list on our class site to help us choose one or two positive words.

When we leave a comment on a class or learner blog we submit a link to the comment so we can tally up how many comments we have written this term. We can check out comment submissions on the response sheet each week to track our progress.

Here are some comments we shared. Click the screenshots to see  the posts from our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu buddy blogs, Room 1 @ Awapuni in Gisborne. They have created amazing Matariki Landscapes.